Reduced to Rubble

Feb 27, 2025 | Whit's End, Updates


I like old stuff. Antiques and vintage pieces are fascinating because they have a story. Most of the time I don’t know the story, unless it’s a family heirloom or came from a certain time period; but I like to envision what happened around the old table or what was happening when the manual crank coffee grinder was being used. 

At our family farm in South Carolina we have names for the various places you may find yourself when farming, hunting, or simply riding around. “The old home place” is a favorite of mine. Today it’s just a pile of rocks and bricks, rubble, but at one time it was a real home. It had a life; with a family and stories and memories that were made inside and out. There were good times and bad times, strides and setbacks. It was life. It was alive.

But not anymore.  Today it’s rubble—a place that at one time could be put back together with a little work, but after being abandoned and forgotten, it wasted away until it crumbled and faded into obscurity. 


The rubble of “the old home place” at our family farm.

““When the unclean spirit has gone out of a person, it passes through waterless places seeking rest, but finds none. Then it says, ‘I will return to my house from which I came.’ And when it comes, it finds the house empty, swept, and put in order. Then it goes and brings with it seven other spirits more evil than itself, and they enter and dwell there, and the last state of that person is worse than the first. So also will it be with this evil generation.”” Matthew 12:43-45 ESV

In this text, Jesus is finishing up a conversation about the dangers of being unaffected by His teaching and the claims about who He is and what He has come to do. It is in Christ that we bear good fruit—fruit that is good and pleasing to God. Without Christ and Him occupying the “house” of our faith, we are vulnerable. And the effects of vulnerability without Christ are multiplied the more we ignore His power and presence in our lives.

In the passage, a person becomes free of an unclean spirit (demon) and straightens up their life. The problem is that they do it without Christ as their protector; without His presence in their life. The demon returns and brings help this time. The person becomes worse off. You could say that their life turns to rubble.

Today, at the reading of this message, recommit the “house” of your heart and faith to Jesus Christ, relying on His presence and power to lead you, guide you, help you, and protect you. Clothe yourself with Christ (Colossians 3.12; Romans 13.14; Galatians 3.27) so that nothing evil can dwell there. Jesus desires to come to you, to make His home with you (John 14.23). He loves you and will be with you, so let’s be there for Him by being there with Him. Don’t let your life be reduced to rubble. Let Christ fill you and build you up!

—Pastor Whit

Read more inspirational messages regarding faith by checking out past Whitt’s End articles.