His Word Is Enough

His Word Is Enough

God has chosen to speak through His word. We search in vain for Him if we attempt to know Him by looking elsewhere.

Light Things Up

Light Things Up

Christians don’t just bring flavor or spice to the world, they bring the fire! We’re called to light things up.



A “me” mentality is lonely and comes about because we have been solely focused on ourselves. But if we will have a “we” mentality, we can add successfully to God’s kingdom mission, making life all about what it should be about—God.

You Need Milk

You Need Milk

If we’re not ready for the deeper spiritual things, then spiritual milk and foundational basics are important. It takes maturity and training to be ready for the maturity that we find in Jesus Christ. “You need milk” is about being sure you know where you are as you grow.

Don’t Forget to Drink Your Copy

Don’t Forget to Drink Your Copy

Copying “Daddy! I drink my copy too!” Yes, that is his word for ‘coffee’. And the jury is out as to whether or not I am drinking too much coffee if my 2.5 year old knows what is in my cup every single morning. But, he walks in from the kitchen and holds up his coffee...
If It Is The Lord’s Will

If It Is The Lord’s Will

Our plans must be weighed against God’s ultimate will. If it is the Lord’s will to do something, then we commit our way to Him and live faithfully.