Our Team

Rev. Whit Martin
Rev. Whit Martin is a native of Gainesville and has served churches across the state of Georgia for the last 20 years. A graduate of Asbury Theological Seminary, he has a passion for Bible study and discipleship. He is an ordained elder in the Global Methodist Church. Whit and his wife, Ashley, have three children and are excited about the many ways God is using Asbury Chapel as a faithful expression of Methodist Christianity in Gainesville.
“Serving Asbury Chapel is a source of indecribable joy! I wake up everyday with hands open and outstretched for whatever God has to give and take all to His glory.”

Stacey Terry
Executive Assistant
A native of Rome, Georgia, Stacey and her husband, Jeff Terry, have lived in Gainesville since 1999. She joined Asbury Chapel during its initial formation, clearly seeing God’s sovereign hand leading her to the ministry. Stacey credits her strong faith from her formative years and a mother who modeled what it looked like to follow Christ as well as a Bible-believing church with a strong youth ministry. Following graduation from UGA, she worked in the business community for 12 years then left the workforce to raise her children. Over the years, Stacey has led countless women’s and student Bible studies. Returning to the workforce in 2017, God opened the door to several jobs that sharpened her administrative skills preparing her for Asbury Chapel. Stacey and Jeff have three adult sons.
“God has planted in me a love for people and a desire to know Him through His Word. I want everyone to know the same joy I have found through Christ alone.”
-Stacey Terry

Heather Allen
Family Coordinator
As Family Coordinator at Asbury Chapel, Heather Allen infuses the joy she knows in her heart with the Church’s children through Asbury Kids as well as church gatherings, service opportunities and small group times. The spiritual development of Asbury families is of primary importance to Heather as we walk alongside one another to build enduring relationships with our Lord and Savior. While growing up Methodist and having lived in Hall County all her life, she has developed a vested interest in the community and its people, especially children and families. Heather credits her mama with shepherding her Christian formation and always demonstrating for her a deep, abiding love of Christ. As a teacher at Wauka Mountain Elementary, she spends her days serving children and their families as they learn and grow.
“Being a part of Asbury Chapel is the continuation of a wonderful journey of faith for me. I have worked in both children’s and youth ministry over the years, and Asbury has now become such a gift to my heart.”
– Heather Allen

Dana Blackwood
Worship Leader
A native of Atlanta suburbs, Dana has served in full-time Christian ministry for 35 years and joined Asbury Chapel in October 2023. He served at the Church of The Apostles in Atlanta for over 21 years and while there held many roles, the last being the Associate Rector for Music. Dana now is a professional contractor in Northeast Georgia building custom homes. Though his full-time occupation has changed, Dana’s heart is driven by the desire to be a channel that Christ uses to lead others to worship our matchless Savior, Jesus. Dana and his wife, Dawn, live in Habersham County.
“For me, becoming part of Asbury Chapel is a God thing. I quickly connected with the vision and mission of the church. I want to make a difference if I can and share what I have gained in knowledge and experience. I know my life will be enriched by the relationships I make and the journey we will share together.”
– Dana Blackwood