Even The Darkness

Even The Darkness

Even when things are dark, hope is not lost because what is dark to us is not dark to God.

He Lavished Upon Us

He Lavished Upon Us

God lavishes grace upon us in His wisdom and timing (Ephesians 1:7-10 ESV)

Walk With Them

Walk With Them

Yes, I am ‘that guy’ or to some of you just a typical man when it comes to the grocery store. I can’t find my way around that place, signs or no signs. And even though I’m the ‘gopher’ (go for) for picking up a quick item here and there, I still can’t remember where...
Set An Example

Set An Example

This kid has no idea how old he is, or rather, how young he is. He loves to help, loves to do things with others, and has a knack for progress. He likes getting things done. When the time came to take care of some of the leaves in the driveway, he grabbed “his”...