Our Legacy

Our Beginning

Asbury Chapel was born from the prayers of faithful Methodists in Gainesville, GA who longed to see the tenets of a true Wesleyan Christian faith lived out in their community. At Asbury, we believe in holiness of heart and life – led by the Spirit and transformed by God’s word. We launched our first church service on January 8, 2023 and we hope that you will join us in the days to come, experiencing a community of faithfulness and love.

Learn More About The Global Methodist Church


What do Methodists Believe? | Learn More | Global Church

Since its inception, God’s Spirit has enlivened the Methodist movement. Click here to find out what methodists believe and more about our faith and structure.

Global Methodist Church’s Catechism Now in Print - Making Disciples of Jesus | The Global Methodist Church

By Walter B. Fenton The Global Methodist Church is pleased to announce that Seedbed has published a Catechism of the Christian Faith and Doctrine for the Global Methodist Church and it is now available for pre-orders. Printing has commenced and orders will be shipped beginning June 1, 2023. A Wesleyan Covenant Association task force began

Learn More About Asbury Chapel


Francis Asbury (1745-1816) was one of the first Methodist bishops sent to America by John Wesley. Asbury pioneered an America Methodism that had a lasting effect. Through widespread travel, preaching, and the building of relationships, Asbury mined the mighty American spirit and spoke directly to its heart with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

“[Asbury’s] ability to inspire deep and lasting loyalty in others is not easy to define from a distance. He wasn’t a persuasive public speaker. Yet in close conversation and small groups he had the ability to draw others to him, to dispel their fears about his motives and inspire them with his sense of purpose. Here was someone worth following, someone whose integrity and piety were above reproach, someone whose vision seemed truly inspired by God.”

— John Wigger, “American Saint: Asbury and the Methodists”

The word Chapel denotes something a bit more specific than the familiar word “church”. In a church, you can hide on the back row or tuck yourself in a corner for a quick escape. But a chapel creates closeness; it implies family and relationship. That is what we want for everyone that is a part of the Asbury community.

Asbury–An historical Christian witness, representative of our mission and purpose as Methodists.

Chapel–A worship experience that strives for communion and relationship.

asbury rider thumb

It's Time to Ride Again - Seedbed

On October 15, 1924, President Calvin Coolidge gave an address at the unveiling of the equestrian statue of Bishop Francis Asbury. Watch this inspiring video as J. D. Walt recounts that event and offers us a renewed vision to “ride again.”